This item has been added to your cart.
Should I order it along with the items in my shopping cart?
<15,000SST 포인트 지급 유의 사항>
1. 지급 시기는 배송 출발 후 10일 이내로, 포인트 지급 이후 단순 변심에 의한 환불 / 교환은 불가합니다.
2. 가입시 반드시 스타플레이와 같은 이메일 아이디로 가입하셔야 정상적으로 포인트를 지급받으실 수 있습니다.
<15,000SST 积分支付注意事项>
1. 积分发给时期在配送出发后10日内,积分发给后由于单纯变心不可换货及退款。
2. 注册时必须使用跟STAR PLAY的邮箱账号一样的账号才能正常获得积分。
1. The points are issued within 10 days after the item has been shipped, refund / change for change of mind is not possible after the points have been issued.
2. To be able to receive the points, the email address used to sign up should be the same one as the one used to create the Starplay account.
1. Los puntos serán reflejados dentro de los 10 días después del inicio del envío, devolución / cambio por cambio de opinión no es posible después de que los puntos han sido reflejados.
2. Para recibir los puntos, el correo electrónico usado para el registro debe ser el mismo al que se usó para la creación de la cuenta de Starplay.
以"真正的爱情是从爱自己开始"的LOVE YOURSELF 'Answer'专辑主打曲'IDOL'为主题设计的BTS保温杯/瓶子共有16种。
Collección de 16 tipos de tumbler / bottle diseñados usando como motivo la pista principal ‘IDOL’ del albúm LOVE YOURSELF ‘Answer’ que canta ‘amarse a sí mismo es el comienzo del amor verdadero’
Producto creado en colaboración con la fabricadora de productos de hogar BUILT New York famosa por sus excelentes diseños.
Diseños y patrones inspirados de BTS y cada uno de los 7 miembros han sido expresados en este representante producto de BUILT New York.
La colaboración entre la identidad de las dos marcas ha sido empacada en esta colección, creada con varios colores con base a los patrones de los atuendos de los miembros en el video musical.
Collection of 16 types of tumler / bottle designed using as motif the title track ‘IDOL’ in the album LOVE YOURSELF ‘Answer’ that sings ‘true love starts with loving yourself’
Product created in collaboration with manufacturer of home products BUILT New York known for its excellent designs.
Designs and patterns inspired from BTS and each one of the 7 members have been expressed in this representative product by BUILT New York.
The identity of the two brands have been harmonized into this collection, created with various colors using the patterns of the outfits worn by the members in the music video.
1. 柔软的开盖方式
2. 内外采用18/8高档不锈钢制成,干净简洁,可长时间使用
3. 可以使用杯套
4. 通过双重真空隔热设计,维持最佳的温度
5. 轻盈的握感
6. 采用安全的Tritan材质
《Tipo Tumbler》
1. tapa suave
2. 18/8 stainless premium por dentro y fuera que brinda resistencia a largo plazo
3. posible usar con cup holder
4. temperatura adecuada mantenida con aislamiento al vacío de doble pared
5. agarre ligero
6. seguro con material de tritan
本产品根据正式许可合同,由(株)Estep International制作、销售,擅自复制或销售时可能会受到法律处罚。
Checa la marca copyright y estampa de holograma de autenticación.
Este producto siendo fabricado y vendido por Estep International Co. de acuerdo a un contrato de licencia oficial, la duplicación y venta no autorizadas serán sujetos a una sanción legal.
Please check the copyright mark and authentication hologram sticker.
This product being fabricated and sold by Estep International Inc. under an official license contract, the unauthorized duplication and selling will be subject to legal penalties.
- 保温杯、瓶里的水可能会烫,请注意。
- 使用保温杯时,请尽量避免儿童、幼儿使用。
- 首次使用保温杯、瓶子时,请用食醋彻底清洗杯子内部后使用。
- 使用洗涤剂清洗盖子、主体各部扭开,晾干后使用。
- 请勿放置在洗碗机、微波炉或冷冻室使用。
- 请勿使用铁水细米等尖锐工具,请勿使用漂白剂、磨砂剂清洗。
- 杯子装满可能会溢出,导致烫伤。 请勿在保温杯、瓶子里装满杯中物。
- 饮用饮料前,请确认盖子是否安全、正确地关闭后再使用。
- 使用保温杯、瓶子时,请注意不要放入太烫的杯中物。
- 请仅用于盛装液体。 请注意不要装入调料或汤类的液体。
另外,尽量不要装入含有碳酸饮料、盐成分的液体。 可能会引发腐蚀。
- 在含有内容物的状态下,尽量不要长时间保管。
- 请务必竖直使用,注意防杯子里的水溢出。
- 本产品是为了使杯中的水(液体滞留)长时间保持在热或冷的状态而设计的。
- 盖上盖子时,请注意防止杯中的水溢出。
<Precauciones de uso>
- El contenido en el Tumbler, Bottle puede estar caliente.
- No deje a bebés o infantes usar el Tumbler, Bottle tanto como sea posible.
-Limpie el interior del Tumbler, Bottle con vinagre antes del primer uso.
-Antes de su uso, limpie cada parte con detergente y déjelo secar completamente.
-No lo utilice ni guarde en el lavavajillas, microondas o congelador.
-No lo limpie utilizando herramientas con partes afiladas como el limpiador de hierro usando blanqueadores, abrasivos.
-Es posible que el contenido se desborde en el caso de que esté muy caliente. No llene el Tumbler, Bottle completamente.
-Antes de tomar la bebida, cheque que la tapa esté completamente, adecuadamente cerrada.
-Cuando use el Tumbler, Bottle cuide que el contenido no esté muy caliente.
-Use para contener liquídos solamente. No lo use para sopas o caldos.
No use para contener bebidas carbonatadas o liquídos con contenido de sal. Pueden causar corrosión.
-No lo guarde con contenido durante mucho tiempo.
-Manténgalo en posisión vertical, cuide que el contenido no se desborde.
-Este producto ha sido diseñado para mantener la temperatura del contenido(líquido) caliente o fría por un largo tiempo.
Tome precaución con contenidos muy calientes para evitar quemaduras, se recomienda que deje el contenido enfriar a una temperatura adecuada antes del uso.
-Al cerrar la tapa, cuide que el contenido no se desborde.
<Precautions for use>
-Please be careful, the contents may be hot.
-Please avoid the use of the Tumbler, Bottle by babies and children.
-Before first use, please clean the inside with vinegar.
-Before use, clean each part with detergent and leave it to dry completely.
-Do not use or keep in the dishwasher, microwave or freezer.
-Do not clean using rough tools such as steel sponges with bleach, abradant.
-It’s possible that hot contents spill out. Do not overfill the tumbler, bottle.
-Before drinking, check that the lid is completely, well closed.
-Check the contents are not too hot when using the Tumbler, Bottle.
-Use to contain liquids only. Do not use for soup or stock.
Do not use to contain carbonated or liquids with salt content. They may cause corrosion.
-Do not keep with content for too long.
-Maintain it in a vertical position, do not overfill to prevent spills.
-This product has been designed to keep the content(liquid) with a hot or cold temperature for a long time.
It is recommended that contents that are too hot are chilled to an appropriate temperature before use to prevent burns.
-When closing the lid, be careful to avoid spills.
- 有30cm距离无法确认的产品微细斑点、刮痕以及油漆质感时,不能作为交换或退货理由。
- 产品部分表面涂装及涂层凝结是涂色及涂层工艺特性上可能出现的自然部分,不属于换货及退货原因。
- 印刷图案的收尾处理在印刷结构上可能不完美,这不属于做工问题/更换原因。
<casos en los que el producto no se considera defectuoso>
-Un producto con manchas, rayones y texturas no visible a una distancia de 30 cm no es eligible para un cambio o devolución.
-Pintura o laminación agrupada en la superficie del producto siendo un resultado natural debido a las características del proceso de pintura y laminación, ésta no puede ser motivo para un cambio o devolución.
-Excepto por razones relacionadas a la funcionalidad del producto (sellado, mantenimiento de temperatura), el producto no es eligible para un cambio o devolución por razones como rayones o abolladoras.
-El patrón de la impresión finalizada puede ser imperfecto debido al método de impresión y esto no puede ser razón para considerar el producto defectuoso / para un cambio.
<cases not considered a product defect>
-A product with stains, scratches and texture not visible at a distance of 30 cm is not applicable for a change or refund.
-Painting or coating clumped on the surface of the product being a natural result due to the nature of the painting and coating process, such cannot be a reason for a change or refund.
-Except for reasons related to functionalities of the product (seal, temperature insulation), the product is not applicable for a change or refund due to reasons such as scratches or dents.
-The pattern of the finalized printing may be imperfect due to the nature of the printing process, and this cannot be a reason to consider the product defective / for a change.
- Video call raffle entry and gifts included in the ‘Special Gift’.
- These gifts are applicable to orders made between 2023.05.31 pm17:00 ~ 2023.06.14 pm17:00 (KST).
- Participant information must be accurately provided in the final stage of completing the order to enter the video call raffle event.
- See the corresponding notice for detailed information regarding the video call event and gifts.
[t-shirt/ hoodie/ half pants]
- Fabric: 73% Cotton, 27% Polyester
- Washing Tip: Dry Clean Recommended
- Fabric: 85% Denim, 15% Polyester
- Washing Tip: Dry Clean Recommended / WASH SEPARATELY
- Type of delivery : parcel
- Delivery fee : Differential by region and weight.
- Delivery period : to be shipped successively starting from mid-July after the pre-order period.
- Additional information : extra fee for shipping to Jeju and remote areas, and for international delivery.
- International delivery : the buyer will be responsible for any tariffs that may be incurred. Product will be disposed if the corresponding tariff is not paid within the corresponding period, redelivery not possible for product disposal due to unpaid tariffs.
- Purchases made during the event period, being automatically entered for the raffle, cannot be canceled or refunded.
- Exchange and/or return requests must be submitted within 7 days since the product was delivered.
- Exchange and/or refund not possible if the product, label, tag has been damaged by the customer, the product has been used or washed.
- Please understand that it may take 3~4 days for the exchange and/or refund to be processed due to the need of verifying the returned product.
- Refer to the FAQ for details about how to request an exchange and/or return.
※When exchanging and/or returning the set, set-up products all delivered items have to be returned.
Exchange possible in the following cases
- Delivered product differs from the purchase history and/or product page
- Delivered product exhibits damage/deterioration or has been heavily stained
- When making an exchange, submit the exchange request through the mall where the product was purchased and send only the corresponding apparel without including the photocards.
[Special gifts information]
- Small scratches, indentations, folds not accepted as reasons for exchange or refund, exchange requests processed only in the case that the delivered item is heavily damaged and is in stock. (Difficult to process redelivery when out of stock)
- Be careful when opening the package using scissors or knives as it could cause cuts or scratches on the items.
- Record an unboxing video when opening the package. In the case that the special gift has been omitted, redelivery will only be possible when it can be verified through the recorded video.
- Exchange not possible without the submission of the unboxing video. Please start the recording since the moment of opening the parcel and/or box.
- If the corresponding special gift has been omitted, send the following information to the email provided below: store used for purchase / order number / name of buyer / unboxing video.
<15,000SST 포인트 지급 유의 사항>
1. 지급 시기는 배송 출발 후 10일 이내로, 포인트 지급 이후 단순 변심에 의한 환불 / 교환은 불가합니다.
2. 가입시 반드시 스타플레이와 같은 이메일 아이디로 가입하셔야 정상적으로 포인트를 지급받으실 수 있습니다.
<15,000SST 积分支付注意事项>
1. 积分发给时期在配送出发后10日内,积分发给后由于单纯变心不可换货及退款。
2. 注册时必须使用跟STAR PLAY的邮箱账号一样的账号才能正常获得积分。
1. The points are issued within 10 days after the item has been shipped, refund / change for change of mind is not possible after the points have been issued.
2. To be able to receive the points, the email address used to sign up should be the same one as the one used to create the Starplay account.
1. Los puntos serán reflejados dentro de los 10 días después del inicio del envío, devolución / cambio por cambio de opinión no es posible después de que los puntos han sido reflejados.
2. Para recibir los puntos, el correo electrónico usado para el registro debe ser el mismo al que se usó para la creación de la cuenta de Starplay.
以"真正的爱情是从爱自己开始"的LOVE YOURSELF 'Answer'专辑主打曲'IDOL'为主题设计的BTS保温杯/瓶子共有16种。
Collección de 16 tipos de tumbler / bottle diseñados usando como motivo la pista principal ‘IDOL’ del albúm LOVE YOURSELF ‘Answer’ que canta ‘amarse a sí mismo es el comienzo del amor verdadero’
Producto creado en colaboración con la fabricadora de productos de hogar BUILT New York famosa por sus excelentes diseños.
Diseños y patrones inspirados de BTS y cada uno de los 7 miembros han sido expresados en este representante producto de BUILT New York.
La colaboración entre la identidad de las dos marcas ha sido empacada en esta colección, creada con varios colores con base a los patrones de los atuendos de los miembros en el video musical.
Collection of 16 types of tumler / bottle designed using as motif the title track ‘IDOL’ in the album LOVE YOURSELF ‘Answer’ that sings ‘true love starts with loving yourself’
Product created in collaboration with manufacturer of home products BUILT New York known for its excellent designs.
Designs and patterns inspired from BTS and each one of the 7 members have been expressed in this representative product by BUILT New York.
The identity of the two brands have been harmonized into this collection, created with various colors using the patterns of the outfits worn by the members in the music video.
1. 柔软的开盖方式
2. 内外采用18/8高档不锈钢制成,干净简洁,可长时间使用
3. 可以使用杯套
4. 通过双重真空隔热设计,维持最佳的温度
5. 轻盈的握感
6. 采用安全的Tritan材质
《Tipo Tumbler》
1. tapa suave
2. 18/8 stainless premium por dentro y fuera que brinda resistencia a largo plazo
3. posible usar con cup holder
4. temperatura adecuada mantenida con aislamiento al vacío de doble pared
5. agarre ligero
6. seguro con material de tritan
本产品根据正式许可合同,由(株)Estep International制作、销售,擅自复制或销售时可能会受到法律处罚。
Checa la marca copyright y estampa de holograma de autenticación.
Este producto siendo fabricado y vendido por Estep International Co. de acuerdo a un contrato de licencia oficial, la duplicación y venta no autorizadas serán sujetos a una sanción legal.
Please check the copyright mark and authentication hologram sticker.
This product being fabricated and sold by Estep International Inc. under an official license contract, the unauthorized duplication and selling will be subject to legal penalties.
- 保温杯、瓶里的水可能会烫,请注意。
- 使用保温杯时,请尽量避免儿童、幼儿使用。
- 首次使用保温杯、瓶子时,请用食醋彻底清洗杯子内部后使用。
- 使用洗涤剂清洗盖子、主体各部扭开,晾干后使用。
- 请勿放置在洗碗机、微波炉或冷冻室使用。
- 请勿使用铁水细米等尖锐工具,请勿使用漂白剂、磨砂剂清洗。
- 杯子装满可能会溢出,导致烫伤。 请勿在保温杯、瓶子里装满杯中物。
- 饮用饮料前,请确认盖子是否安全、正确地关闭后再使用。
- 使用保温杯、瓶子时,请注意不要放入太烫的杯中物。
- 请仅用于盛装液体。 请注意不要装入调料或汤类的液体。
另外,尽量不要装入含有碳酸饮料、盐成分的液体。 可能会引发腐蚀。
- 在含有内容物的状态下,尽量不要长时间保管。
- 请务必竖直使用,注意防杯子里的水溢出。
- 本产品是为了使杯中的水(液体滞留)长时间保持在热或冷的状态而设计的。
- 盖上盖子时,请注意防止杯中的水溢出。
<Precauciones de uso>
- El contenido en el Tumbler, Bottle puede estar caliente.
- No deje a bebés o infantes usar el Tumbler, Bottle tanto como sea posible.
-Limpie el interior del Tumbler, Bottle con vinagre antes del primer uso.
-Antes de su uso, limpie cada parte con detergente y déjelo secar completamente.
-No lo utilice ni guarde en el lavavajillas, microondas o congelador.
-No lo limpie utilizando herramientas con partes afiladas como el limpiador de hierro usando blanqueadores, abrasivos.
-Es posible que el contenido se desborde en el caso de que esté muy caliente. No llene el Tumbler, Bottle completamente.
-Antes de tomar la bebida, cheque que la tapa esté completamente, adecuadamente cerrada.
-Cuando use el Tumbler, Bottle cuide que el contenido no esté muy caliente.
-Use para contener liquídos solamente. No lo use para sopas o caldos.
No use para contener bebidas carbonatadas o liquídos con contenido de sal. Pueden causar corrosión.
-No lo guarde con contenido durante mucho tiempo.
-Manténgalo en posisión vertical, cuide que el contenido no se desborde.
-Este producto ha sido diseñado para mantener la temperatura del contenido(líquido) caliente o fría por un largo tiempo.
Tome precaución con contenidos muy calientes para evitar quemaduras, se recomienda que deje el contenido enfriar a una temperatura adecuada antes del uso.
-Al cerrar la tapa, cuide que el contenido no se desborde.
<Precautions for use>
-Please be careful, the contents may be hot.
-Please avoid the use of the Tumbler, Bottle by babies and children.
-Before first use, please clean the inside with vinegar.
-Before use, clean each part with detergent and leave it to dry completely.
-Do not use or keep in the dishwasher, microwave or freezer.
-Do not clean using rough tools such as steel sponges with bleach, abradant.
-It’s possible that hot contents spill out. Do not overfill the tumbler, bottle.
-Before drinking, check that the lid is completely, well closed.
-Check the contents are not too hot when using the Tumbler, Bottle.
-Use to contain liquids only. Do not use for soup or stock.
Do not use to contain carbonated or liquids with salt content. They may cause corrosion.
-Do not keep with content for too long.
-Maintain it in a vertical position, do not overfill to prevent spills.
-This product has been designed to keep the content(liquid) with a hot or cold temperature for a long time.
It is recommended that contents that are too hot are chilled to an appropriate temperature before use to prevent burns.
-When closing the lid, be careful to avoid spills.
- 有30cm距离无法确认的产品微细斑点、刮痕以及油漆质感时,不能作为交换或退货理由。
- 产品部分表面涂装及涂层凝结是涂色及涂层工艺特性上可能出现的自然部分,不属于换货及退货原因。
- 印刷图案的收尾处理在印刷结构上可能不完美,这不属于做工问题/更换原因。
<casos en los que el producto no se considera defectuoso>
-Un producto con manchas, rayones y texturas no visible a una distancia de 30 cm no es eligible para un cambio o devolución.
-Pintura o laminación agrupada en la superficie del producto siendo un resultado natural debido a las características del proceso de pintura y laminación, ésta no puede ser motivo para un cambio o devolución.
-Excepto por razones relacionadas a la funcionalidad del producto (sellado, mantenimiento de temperatura), el producto no es eligible para un cambio o devolución por razones como rayones o abolladoras.
-El patrón de la impresión finalizada puede ser imperfecto debido al método de impresión y esto no puede ser razón para considerar el producto defectuoso / para un cambio.
<cases not considered a product defect>
-A product with stains, scratches and texture not visible at a distance of 30 cm is not applicable for a change or refund.
-Painting or coating clumped on the surface of the product being a natural result due to the nature of the painting and coating process, such cannot be a reason for a change or refund.
-Except for reasons related to functionalities of the product (seal, temperature insulation), the product is not applicable for a change or refund due to reasons such as scratches or dents.
-The pattern of the finalized printing may be imperfect due to the nature of the printing process, and this cannot be a reason to consider the product defective / for a change.
- Video call raffle entry and gifts included in the ‘Special Gift’.
- These gifts are applicable to orders made between 2023.05.31 pm17:00 ~ 2023.06.14 pm17:00 (KST).
- Participant information must be accurately provided in the final stage of completing the order to enter the video call raffle event.
- See the corresponding notice for detailed information regarding the video call event and gifts.
[t-shirt/ hoodie/ half pants]
- Fabric: 73% Cotton, 27% Polyester
- Washing Tip: Dry Clean Recommended
- Fabric: 85% Denim, 15% Polyester
- Washing Tip: Dry Clean Recommended / WASH SEPARATELY
- Type of delivery : parcel
- Delivery fee : Differential by region and weight.
- Delivery period : to be shipped successively starting from mid-July after the pre-order period.
- Additional information : extra fee for shipping to Jeju and remote areas, and for international delivery.
- International delivery : the buyer will be responsible for any tariffs that may be incurred. Product will be disposed if the corresponding tariff is not paid within the corresponding period, redelivery not possible for product disposal due to unpaid tariffs.
- Purchases made during the event period, being automatically entered for the raffle, cannot be canceled or refunded.
- Exchange and/or return requests must be submitted within 7 days since the product was delivered.
- Exchange and/or refund not possible if the product, label, tag has been damaged by the customer, the product has been used or washed.
- Please understand that it may take 3~4 days for the exchange and/or refund to be processed due to the need of verifying the returned product.
- Refer to the FAQ for details about how to request an exchange and/or return.
※When exchanging and/or returning the set, set-up products all delivered items have to be returned.
Exchange possible in the following cases
- Delivered product differs from the purchase history and/or product page
- Delivered product exhibits damage/deterioration or has been heavily stained
- When making an exchange, submit the exchange request through the mall where the product was purchased and send only the corresponding apparel without including the photocards.
[Special gifts information]
- Small scratches, indentations, folds not accepted as reasons for exchange or refund, exchange requests processed only in the case that the delivered item is heavily damaged and is in stock. (Difficult to process redelivery when out of stock)
- Be careful when opening the package using scissors or knives as it could cause cuts or scratches on the items.
- Record an unboxing video when opening the package. In the case that the special gift has been omitted, redelivery will only be possible when it can be verified through the recorded video.
- Exchange not possible without the submission of the unboxing video. Please start the recording since the moment of opening the parcel and/or box.
- If the corresponding special gift has been omitted, send the following information to the email provided below: store used for purchase / order number / name of buyer / unboxing video.